Saturday, September 18, 2021

First Day of School 2021 - 7th, 4th, pre-K

 Everyone made it to school for the first day! Masked but full days, full weeks for all! Such a strange time we will reflect back on - matching masks to outfits and weekly COVID testing at school - but it all makes it possible for kids to be at school.

Summer in Review - Part 5

 Yes, It's September 18 and I am finalizing our summer updates. Better late than never! We ended the summer with a family trip to Huntington Beach. We took the same trip right before Emmy started kindergarten! It was a great weekend getaway full of clouds, family time, shopping, tatoos and fake boobs. Hahaha. It was so fun to get away for a few days and celebrate the end of summer!

Nice drive up the coast 

A room with a view! Gloom... all... summer... long

Forced family fun - bike ride! :)

The water slide was a HIT

Inside story - we laughed forever!

Pure laughter from my 12 year old is GOLD

That right there is some - SUN!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Summer in Review - Part 4

 Miscellaneous pics from the summer :)

Lets go Padres!

O-dog and Ry-guy on the big screen!

Then the little charmer ran and met a Rockies player and somehow ended up in his family photo. Ha!

Cruising around the bay, tubing with the Juliens!