Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Summer in Review - Part 2

We finally got to meet Ronan and were reunited with Ferne, Marc, Kristen and of course Dan and Julie and it felt so good! :) We were so lucky to spend a long weekend together in Westlake full of swim time, food and laughs. 

Owen of course was in heaven

Papa rented an RV! Haha

Lots of poker was played. Ryan is training so he can pay for college with his winnings 

How sweet is he?!



Summer in Review - Part 1

 Time flies but this summer flew by in warp speed! So fast, I never had a chance to post any photos! My new job has definitely kept me busy this summer as did the weekly camp schedule. We had a very odd summer - not much sun = not many beach days :( but we still had some adventures and I tried to have as much forced family fun as possible!

All Star Baseball Season

Josh coached his first all start team - big time! They played 2 games against groups of kids that were pushing 12. It was a bit brutal to watch but the kids had fun so that is all that matters right?! Ryan did strike out one kid so that was pretty cool.

Coach Josh preparing for the big game. 

Some miscellaneous pics

Lunch date with my dude - KFC (GROSS!) 

Suns out - guns out!

Kicking off the summer with new shades from Blenders

4th of July fireworks from the car

We successfully wallpapered Emmy's wall without killing each other

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Sweet Buddy Turned NINE!

 Exactly one week ago my sweet Ryan turned 9. It sure is fun to watch this kid grow up. He remains sweet and gentle but is also finding his voice and opinion and standing up for himself when he needs to and is learning the very hard lesson of walking away from situations he does not feel comfortable in. I could not be more proud! He has some friend friends, he's an amazing brother (both big and small) and he still wants to cuddle next to me so I am going to take every moment I can :)

For his birthday we took Ryan and his 6 best buds go cart racing! They all had a blast. Ryan, taking after me, was very cautious ;) He went to a Padres baseball camp last week so go to spend him bday with all his friends playing baseball - what could be better! Love you so much, Buddy. xoxo

Emmy got roped into racing too!

You can always spot Ryan by his socks!

Spent a little time in the arcade 

The birthday boy! 

Ryan's crew - Preston, Greyson, William, Zach, Alex and Graham 

Party "ended" at 5p but the Juliens and Brubakers stayed for sushi until 10p - so fun

All Star day at camp!

Nana made him playing cards with his poker face on them! Ahahaha

Every kid now wears a chain - he's wanted one for months. I surprised him and wrapped it in a few boxes and then into a big one so he never knew it was inside. :)