Since we got back from Palm Springs....
I got a new car! My lease was up, I waited until the last minute so had one hour to get a new one. We ran out of time at the dealership so he delivered to my office and I signed the paperwork in the parking lot. Now that's service :)
After 8 years, I finally got an office with a window. Woot woot!
Emmy had her firs viola concert at school. The whole thing was super entertaining. Haha
Emmy is playing all star baseball again this year! We headed out to Lakeside all weekend.
Meanwhile Buddy had a game too but I don't have any pictures from his game. :(
After the game we headed over to the gym for a parent meeting. Emmy has been working her butt off to try out for gymnastics team, something she has dreamed up for years. So here we are, now a gymnastics mom too! Ahahaha.
I hate them spending time on the ipad but hearing them giggle for 30 minutes from the other room can only make you smile :)
Me and this guy spent Saturday afternoon at urgent care after he woke up with a 103.5 fever. Little dude partied too hard in the desert and got an ear infection. Silver lining? He slept in my arms, he hasn't done that for a while.
My softball watching partner
It was pouring rain on Sunday and they played/we watched through the whole thing! Her coach said who ever embraces the rain wins! So they all frolicked in it before. Yes, they still lost but were full of smiles.