Watching Emmy develop into the girl she is and is going to be is amazing. She is so strong (both mentally and physically), independent, adventurous, smart, creative, free spirited, determined, fearless, kind and beautiful! I look back at what I wrote about her when she was a baby and toddler and she is the same J She is definitely her own person, always has been, from her clothes, to her hair, to how she decorates her room. She really doesn’t give a shit and I love that about her. She has a very curious mind and is very smart. She loves learning and she loves school. She pays attention and regurgitates everything she hears and applies it properly. Her mind is always going (jus tlike mine) so she is always thinking miles ahead. She is the BEST big sister her brothers could have. I just hope they appreciate how good she is with them. She is constantly including Ryan in everything she does and with her friends. She watches over him but treats him like an equal and is unbelievably patient. She adores Owen, its like she can’t get enough of him. Always in his face trying to make him laugh but feels bad when he is hurting or upset. She is still obsessed with stuffed animals aka “puppets” and at the end of the day she still loves to snuggle :)
This morning :)
The sweet card she wrote us for Valentines day!
We took four of her friends to rock-n-jump the Wednesday before her birthday. They had a blast! I love listening to all of the girls giggle and chat in the car. I love that I can fit so many! Ryan and Josh drove separately and I think the funniest part was watching Josh jump and play dodge ball with all the kids. At one point none of our kids/friends were in there - just Josh with some 10 year old boys. Ha!
She had softball practice on her actually birthday. So we ordered pizza and had cupcakes. Owen LOVED wearing the birthday hat. Haha. Practice for his big day...
Happiest 9th birthday monkey!