Its been super hot and humid these past few days. Nothing really to complain about but not the sunny 75 degree weather we are used to! Thursday Josh took Emmy and Riley to Aquatica the water park. Emmy has been dying to go and is still talking about it. They has a blast!
Which means me and Owen had a lazy day at home :)
Friday Emmy and I celebrated the last mommy camp day by going to a fancy lunch at C-Level. Her choice. The girl has expensive taste.
We dressed Owen up in his fancies onesie for the occasion.
Since I am still not eating dairy this dessert was all Emmy's!
What a handsome dude
Owen kept cook with some extra baths
Ryan has been spending more time with Owen. It is so sweet, I could just watch them all day long.
I've had so much one-on-one time with Emmy I took Ryan out to lunch on Saturday and even Owen stayed home!
My main dude.
Saturday afternoon we went down to the beach but it was actually kinda chilly so we left early and went to Zen 5 for sushi. Josh and i have been going there since before we had kids, pretty funny to take 3 of them in there now!
Emmy and Ryan put down 2 cucumber roll each, edaname, seaweed salad and they spit and order of teriyaki chicken. This was after a choco taco from the ice cream truck at the beach...
Today was a lazy day around the house. These guys played cars together :)
I know I need to put the camera down sometimes but I just don't ever want to forget these moments.
Owen took the saucer for a spin today and LOVED IT! I feel so lucky and am so grateful that I get to experience all these firsts all over again. Each time has been uniquely special. I just love watching Emmy and Ryan get as excited as I do to watch Owen try new things. They both keep saying "Ahhh, he's so cute!". It melts my heart. I just want to freeze time NOW.
This was probably the 4th time Sadie's tongue was in his mouth today. Sigh...