Josh left at 7a on Sunday, the kids and I bought halloween costumes and stuff to do crafts. It was 95 degrees out (THANK GOD WE NOW HAVE AC!) which makes it hard to get Sadie some exercise. We did crafts and watched the air show (they fly over our house which is super cool) I cooked dinner (not sure why I do that when Josh is gone) and walked Sadie for 45 minutes after dinner (no wonder I am exhausted).
So there you have it another busy but FUN weekend! Is it Friday yet?
Emmy cruising around the bay with a 11 foot board. She is strong!
Fall in SD. It was such a beautiful day :)
I bought Ryan some "skinny pants". He thought he was so cool, he kept asking "Do I look handsome?"
Ry-guy the photographer
I am one lucky girl <3 p="">3>
You think they look like their dad?!
Handsome little dud acting so grown up.
I ended the night by going to an employee work event to celebrate the opening of our new hospital! It was pretty awesome and ended with a light show synced to music and fireworks. Wahoo!
Now this was entertainment. Ryan blowing bubbles and Sadie chasing them :)
Now this was entertainment. Ryan blowing bubbles and Sadie chasing them :)
Donuts at Vons in out PJs = awsome
Every time I take the kids to toysrus I vow to never do it again!
Emmy had paint everywhere and Ryan didn't want to get any on his hands. It is amazing how different these two are sometimes!
We watched for airplanes and looked for halloween costumes online while eating an entire bag of potato chips. Emmy wants to be sponge bob or a monster. No princesses in this house anymore.
The blue angels are crazy! So hard to capture them in a photo.