Monday, September 26, 2016

Another BUSY Weekend!

I guess every blog post could be titled "busy" these days but for some reason this one seemed especially busy! Saturday we did the standard grocery job, walk Sadie, etc. Then Ryan and I went to his buddies bday party while Josh and Emmy finally took out the new board! Ryan and I met up with them after the party and cruised around for a bit. It was  PERFECT day! We headed home, showered up and went to dinner for Josh's bday. We went to Benihana and had a blast! As always, the kids were so good. Sat and watched the chef and ate for almost 2 hours. They both ate everything, including mushroom soup, chicken fried rice, a variety of meat and their new favorite - cucumber rolls.

Josh left at 7a on Sunday, the kids and I bought halloween costumes and stuff to do crafts. It was 95 degrees out (THANK GOD WE NOW HAVE AC!) which makes it hard to get Sadie some exercise. We did crafts and watched the air show (they fly over our house which is super cool) I cooked dinner (not sure why I do that when Josh is gone) and walked Sadie for 45 minutes after dinner (no wonder I am exhausted).

So there you have it another busy but FUN weekend! Is it Friday yet?


Emmy cruising around the bay with a 11 foot board. She is strong!

 Fall in SD. It was such a beautiful day :)

I bought Ryan some "skinny pants". He thought he was so cool, he kept asking "Do I look handsome?"

Ry-guy the photographer

I am one lucky girl <3 p="">
You think they look like their dad?!

Handsome little dud acting so grown up.

I ended the night by going to an employee work event to celebrate the opening of our new hospital! It was pretty awesome and ended with a light show synced to music and fireworks. Wahoo!

Now this was entertainment. Ryan blowing bubbles and Sadie chasing them :) 

Donuts at Vons in out PJs = awsome 

Every time I take the kids to toysrus I vow to never do it again!

 Emmy had paint everywhere and Ryan didn't want to get any on his hands. It is amazing how different these two are sometimes!

We watched for airplanes and looked for halloween costumes online while eating an entire bag of potato chips. Emmy wants to be sponge bob or a monster. No princesses in this house anymore.

The blue angels are crazy! So hard to capture them in a photo.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Fun and Busy Weekend

We had lots of fun last weekend!

Friday night Emmy and I had girls night. We went to dinner downtown and went to see the Lion King at the Civic Center. It was so much fun! The Lion King was great but pretty long, we didn't get home until 11p. Needless to say, we were exhausted.

Saturday night we went ice skating with some friends as part of a fundraiser for Spreckels. Ryan tried on his ice legs which he was pretty iffy about. Of course, Emmy cruised around the rink no problem. I swear there isn't anything that kid isn't good at... She had a blast with Riley and Mikaela. We just found out Mikaela bought a house around the corner so now all 3 girls are going to be neighbors! Wahoo!

This weekend I surprised Josh with an early bday present - a paddle board! We packed up the car (I need to get racks!) and headed down to the bay only to be surrounded by fog. It was windy and pretty chilly so we ate acai bowls and shopped instead. We drove by the boat races perfect timing to see the fast ones. Ryan thought they were the coolest things ever.

Now onto another week... Josh is out of town until Thursday night so it;s just the 4 of us (me, Emmy, Ryan and Sadie) which means 3 drop offs. This morning was a success, so far so good :)

Girls night!
"Look I get to drink out of a wine glass!"

Exploring the Gaslamp before the show

We almost fell asleep in these seats after 3 hours. She was a trooper!

Little buddy all ready to go!

Thank goodness for these seals, he sat most of the night. 

Cruising. Those two summers of ice skating camp paid off :)

One of the only times we had him on his feet. 

All packed up and ready to go! We had to take two cars, we really need to get racks soon!

Acai bowls for lunch at Uncle Marc's favorite spot - Rum jungle.

Catching the boat races on the way home

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

End of Summer

Ryan's preschool was inconveniently closed the first week Emmy went back to school so out summer lasted another week! We've been getting some quality beach time lately and the kids have loved boogie boarding or "surfing" as Ryan calls it. My mom was here for a few days, I took a few days off and Josh hung out with Ryan too. What a fun week for buddy! I've had a lot of days off in August so September is feeling long already..... ;)

 Hanging with Nana at the beach

Clearly the first day of school :) 

Took advantage of being off on a Wednesday afternoon, when Emmy has a half day and no homework yet!

I don't know if I've ever seen the tide so low. They had a blast.

 One of my favorite pics of them.

A little picnic with my buddy. After we ate we played football on the baseball field. He LOVES playing football. Can throw a killer spiral and legitimately tackled me.  Stinker.

We spent a lot of time at the park this weekend! We skateboarded a few days and found some new ways to get Sadie some exercise. We played tennis too! 

 His new favorite hide out

Labor Day at the beach! Emmy hang out with Riley all day so it was just us and Ryan which I thought he would love but he missed her. 

Sadie started a new camp today! Josh is out of town this week and it is the only way I can handle her and the kids alone. The 3 drop offs in the morning and after school are well worth it when she sleeps like this when we get home!

And she made some new friends :)