Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Sadie has been settling into our family well! She eats like a champ and is constantly excited to see us, sometimes a little too much. She thinks Ryan is another puppy so we have to keep an eye on those two. She definitely makes herself comfortable around the house. I made the mistake of letting her on the couch, now its her spot of choice. Looks like we are going to need to get a bigger couch eventually! Honestly, I didn’t really anticipate how much work a puppy would be. She gets up in the night and at the crack of dawn and gets into and chews everything! But we are so in love with her and I think she loves us too. Coming home, or just into the same room as her, she gets so excited you will never feel more important. She’s been plopping in my lap when I sit on the floor and loves to be held and snuggled. She is the perfect little (for now anyway) addition to our family :) 


Monday, October 26, 2015


 The weeks are just flying these days! Every time I dread a Monday, its the weekend again, And every weekend flies by and we do it all over again! We've been sticking pretty close to home these days with Sadie, fortunately, we've all stayed pretty entertained!

Friday Ryan had picture day. Found him blow drying his hair, with a comb. No joke, this was not staged. He asked me if he looked handsome. :)

 Say cheese!

First grade going on junior high!  Emmy is in a combo class with 2nd graders so has lunch with the older kids. At first I was worried but she's been fine. She will tell me about how boys will bother her and her friends and she tells them to stop, they are only 1st graders. This kid can hold her own. 

We thought we'd get out of the house and enjoy October in San Diego. We hiked torrey and the kids did amazing, as always. I have no idea where they get all their energy. It's nuts!

These two were inseparable this weekend. It was so sweet. They played for hours and hours laughing away :)

Ry-guy's other little buddy - Sadie. She is still learning Ryan isn't another puppy so this was a rare moment of calm with the two of them!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Busy weekend!

This weekend:

Emmy had her first tennis lesson

It was actually gloomy so we watched some movies, drank hot chocolate and ate popcorn

Sadie had her first bath

I did some cooking with my new fury buddy keeping my feet warm

We made sure Sadie got lots of exercise 

And we got Halloween  costumes!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Weekend with the Murrays

Last weekend was full of surprises!  Matt flew into LA to surprise his parents after months over seas, Katie flew in to surprise Matt and her parents and we all drive up to surprise everyone!  It was a quick trip that was full of fun laughs, food and Pacificos. Sadie is going through withdrawals after being held and snuggled for 24 hours and I was reminded of what an amazing family I have and I wished everyone lived closer!

This is what October looks like in Southern California


Monday, October 12, 2015

Meet Sadie

The newest member of the Lawrence family! Josh and I have wanted a dog since we moved in together 15 years ago and the kids have been asking for years. We did our research and met someone who was having puppies. It all fell into place and we brought her home last Friday! She is super sweet, full of energy and has adjusted so well. She sleeps in her crate through the night, has only had a few accidents inside and eats like a champ. She thinks the kids are her playmates which is a little tricky since her teeth are like razors! We're all learning about how our family will adapt and are having fun! 

On our way home!

Plays hard and sleeps hard!

Ryan's first school performance

It seems like yesterday we were watching Emmy's first Baldwin School performance!  She was singing and Ryan was just born. This time it was his time around. He was okay for the first bit when the whole school danced but when it was his turn to go back on stage he cried the whole time :( Poor little dude. He was so cute.

 Our traditional per-performance dinner at the Fish Shop