Monday, February 23, 2015

Six years old!

Can't believe my little monkey is 6 years old.  I don't know why this feel like such a big bday for me.  Probably because she seems so grown up right now. She is super funny and witty but still shy and reserved at times with other people.  She is very smart but down plays it a lot, and incredibly strong.  I mean STRONG. She is quite the little gymnast and also very good at sports.  She is still obsessed with stuffed animals but is quite the fashionista who won't take off her first pair of tall boots! She loves to sing and dance, bike, scooter and would swing on the monkey bars all day if she could!  She is the best and I am so proud to be her mama.

We are leaving on Wednesday for Denver (wahoo!) so we didn't have a big party this year.  Her best friend Lia's mom and I took the girls to lunch and ice skating.  We ate at Bucca Di Beppa and unintentionally ordered the biggest ice cream sundae I have ever seen!  The pictures do not do it justice, it was bigger than my head!  Today she had fun at school and ate a bunch of sweets, candy and junk.  All in all I think it was a good day :)

Buddies!  Their bdays are exactly one week apart.


Bday present from nana. We made a coaster

And then had to put it to good use :)

Pogo stick!!!

We could not keep Ryan away from that cake!

 Best bday picture ever! 

Even though she is 6 she will always be my little monkey.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day Weekend

We had an extra long and extra hot weekend!  Emmy had Friday off school so mom my, who has been gallivanting around the western states, flew in to stay with Emmy.  We went to dinner, hung out in the sun, went to the park, took the trolley to a SDSU game and saw a movie.  It was a great weekend!

Emmy insisted on making all of the valentines for her classmates.  I thought it sounded fun until we got to about #6. hen our kitchen turned into an assembly line for 5 days.

The kid loves calamari!

They are such buddies these days!

We had the best V-day!  Ryan was so excited to go on the trolley and they were so good at the game.  Such troopers and little adventures :)

Last time we were at state together was 11 years ago, pretty cool to be back with 2 kids!

I can't believe they watched the whole game!

Paddington bear was super cute :)  They also stayed for the whole thing!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Two and a half years old!

My Little buddy barrosky-rama is 2.5 years old!  He is seriously the sweetest little guy ever.   

A total boy who loves trucks and playing with any sort of ball but also not destructive and very gentle.   

The kids favorite thing to so is “nuggle”. It is all he wants to do with me and his sister.  Sometimes I will hear Emmy yell “No brother I don’t want to snuggle with you right now!”. He still hops in our bed every night and I will love it as long as he still wants to do it (thank god we have a kind bed!).

He is very independent – helps himself to snacks, water, gets dressed, etc., (unlike his sister) which can be a challenge too!  

He loves to do "Artwork" give him some scissors, glue and paper and he is entertained for hours. 
 He really wants to help me cook all the time – hopefully he will still be interested when he can actually help.

He likes getting his toe nails painted and wearing Emmy’s headbands (which Josh hates) and loves wearing his basketball shorts and running shoes.   

He can run and kick a soccer ball and whack a baseball across the lawn (without the t-ball) and can almost throw a spiral football.   

He absolutely ADORES Emmy and they two of them are so good together. 

He loves babies (real and fake) and dogs and yesterday when I picked him up from school he said “I missed you today mommy”.  He melts my heart every day!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weekend Getaway

We spent the weekend in Palm Springs!  Josh was playing in a golf tournament so we tagged along and had so much fun! It was a bit like vacationing as a single mom but it was a nice change of scenery for all of us. :)

Night swimming is the best!


After :)


 First time wearing the floaties.  He loved them!

"Don't hold me mommy!"

 He's all about the thumbs up.  Him and Emmy thought the buffet was the coolest thing ever.  They got to get their own food and try fruit loops.  Score!