It's been a while since I've been able to post any pictures. The last few weeks has been a blur. I don't think I've ever been so busy! AND HOT! We've had a crazy heat wave. So hot that most schools have had minimum days because of the heat and lack of air conditioning. Thank goodness Emmy's school has AC. Sure wish we had it at our house.
Just some random pics of us from the last few weeks trying to beat the heat!
Mini putting! We lasted about 4 holes. Ryan had beads of sweat dripping down his face.
So we ended up in the arcade.
Who says eating dinner can't be fun?!
Beach girl already looking like a teenager :)
The Santoro's were smart and got a hotel room this weekend and were nice enough to let us crash the hotel :) Ryan and Sophia are really loving each other these days. They just don't stop eating and are very good about sharing their snacks with each other :)
A bunch of wild indians
Both Emmy and Ryan also LOVE Emmett! I mean how could you not - look how cute he is! Ryan can't understand why the baby isn't allowed to eat any real food. Haha.
Today at the beach. And crazy humid! We had a thunder storm tonight with a rainbow.