Monday, July 29, 2013


We had a great weekend with my parents!  They came down and we just hung out and watched Ryan obsess over Lucy :)  We hung around the house, went on a hike and hit up Balboa Park.  Poor Josh got the flu so was in bed pretty much the whole weekend.  I have no idea why our family keeps getting sick.  It is July, isn't this supposed to be the "healthy" season?!

Some pics....

Lucy could not have been more patient and Ryan more gentle, it was so sweet.

 Emmy and papa always have to have their puzzle book time.

Waiting for the train!

What a surprise, Baroo trying to climb out of the train.

Sweet girl on a horse.  Actually she rode an ostrich :)

So long pump

I have dragged this pump to and from work every day since January 3rd. I packed it up, pumped two times a day in a clutter storage room, and cleaned the parts every night.  I never anticipated pumping until Emmy was a year and never thought I’d be able to swing it again since I now work in an office 5 days a week.  Well I did it.  I made it until Ryan was a year (well almost) and I am actually stopping because he doesn’t want bottles anymore!  Not taking my pump to work is very bitter sweet for me.  Most people wonder why I am not jumping for joy (pumping really sucks) but for me it is a monumental moment.  My little buddy is growing up.  Too fast.  I am not sure what our future has in store and this may or may not be the last time I nurse a child.  So I am cherishing every moment I can and enjoying every snuggle he is willing to give.  And I know we have so many fun memories to come as he grows up but I ain’t going to lie, I am going to miss having a baby around.

Speaking of growing up, the little guy took 2 steps today on two different occasions!  Still trying to get it on video :)


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just some pics from last weekend

It has taken a while to get around to getting these on my computer.  We had an awesome, lazy, relaxing weekend last weekend.  I am definitely ready for the weekend again!!!!

Ryan has spent his entire life watching Emmy color and this weekend he got to join in.  He was so proud :)  Now I have to watch him very closely because I have a feeling he isn't going to keep it on the paper...

Fixing daddy's "smooshed tire" with a yo-yo and a few straws.  

A little after dinner walk around the hood in her PJs and cowboy boots, taking pictures of the neighbors.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Best Day Ever for Total Selfish Reasons

Ryan just hasn't been himself these past few days.  Biggest sign - he hasn't been eating very much.  When I say not eat very much, the kid still eats, just not more than me!  Yesterday he was super fussy and last night he was up whining and crying from 10:30p-4a - no joke. The poor little dude.  So of course I took a sick day today to stay home with my little man.  Turns out he has a double ear infection and some virus that is causing a rash.  Today he would just not settle but i could finally get him to fall asleep on my chest.  So we snuggled, cuddled, slept and watched HGTV for 3 hours this afternoon.  IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER.  I would never wish pain or sickness on my sweet child but if he is sick I love that he wants to snuggle.  It took me right back to maternity leave when we got to snuggle in the afternoon without a care in the world.  Ahhhh, those were the days....

THEN, Friday night has become movie night with Emmy.  So after Ryan went to bed I got to watch a movie and snuggle with Emmy.  I am one happy mama :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sweet Emery Jean

I feel like I have written a lot of posts recently about Ryan so I have to include Emmy!  My sweet monkey is getting so big, so fast!  Sometimes I catch a glance of her and she looks so mature.  And she is beautiful.   I mean we are going to be in serious trouble as she gets older, Josh is going to have to get a game plan together soon.  She is all girl too!  We are going to have a lot of fun together in the years to come.  She is almost 4 ½ years old already, crazy to think we are thinking about kindergarten already.  A few things she is up to these days.

Emmy changes her clothes at least 12 times a day.  Six in the morning before school and six afterward.  She usually changes her PJs a few times too.  It is getting ridiculous.  We are trying to teach her how to pick them up and put them away.  So far it isn’t going to well…. I have tell her all the time that you are only pretty if you are pretty on the inside.  People are pretty on the inside when they are nice and kind to everyone.  I am hoping it sinks in eventually.

Speaking of clothes, I took her shopping recently.  Now she wont just pick out a dress, she has to try it on.  Well I should say try 10 on.

She is really into playing imaginary games and I love it!  We play school a lot but recently she’d been pretending to be Izzy (from Jake and Neverland) and puts on a bandana and has her telescope.  Usually I am captain hook.

She is very social, I think she likes going to the park more to meet other kids than to play.  If we walk over and there is no one else there you can just see the disappointment in her face.

She is very sweet, caring and compassionate.  She gets very upset when someone else is hurt or sad.  There is a dog behind us that whines on occasion and she is always very concerned.  She’ll look over the fence and say, ahh he is so sad.

Her new thing is “sorry”.  Says it all the time.  Sometimes I think she thinks she can justify being bad because she immediately says sorry! 

She is smart.  Really smart.  She can count to 100, write all her letters, spell all our names and is starting to sound out words.  After she watched Dora the other day she started saying all the colors in Spanish (I guess TV isn’t all that bad?!).  She has been selected to start in a kindergarten class at her preschool next year.  Same curriculum as a regular kindergarten but for kids that aren’t quite 5.  I am excited for her.  I think she would have been really bored hanging in her group for another year.

She loves her brother!  She calls him brother, bud or baroo.  Come to think of it I don’t think I have ever heard her call him Ryan.  If I dress him in a collared shirt her response always is “Wow brother don’t you look handsome!”.  It is so cute.  She just wants to snuggle with him all the time and can’t understand why he doesn’t want to sit still.  He gives her hugs on occasion and she just loves it!  They are so damn cute together, hopefully they will always be buddies.

She is super coordinated.  The kid can do the hulla hoop for minutes at a time, can catch a ball and hit a baseball with the bat.  Not off a t-ball, hits the balls when we throw it at her!  She is getting really good a swimming.  Not quite to the point we can let her go in on her own but definitely getting there.

She has the craziest memory!  She absolutely has a better sense of direction than me. I am pretty sure if I dumped her somewhere in SD she could make it home.  She remembers the outfits she wears at different events, what she ate and little details from trips in the past.  She does not forget a thing!  

Yesterday she told me the perfect pet for our family is a hamster and asked if we can get one.  And it starts….

This girl cannot get enough water.

I document her outfits so i can show her one day :)

School field trip with her buddies!

Finally payback for making my mom hang up all the clothes from the dressing rooms...

We found a pine cone in the street and she thought it was the coolest thing ever!

Good Morning!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

11 months

Dear Ryan,
I can’t believe you are already 11 months old and in 30 short days you will  be one!  I don’t know why it is so bitter sweet for me.  I absolutely love watching you grow, learn and develop your mischievous personality but I miss holding my little buddy as a baby.  Lucky for me you still love to cuddle!  AND it only took 11 long months but you have finally started to sleep through the night!  At least for now anyways…
You are such a little man and are into absolutely everything. 
You recently learned how to push all the electrical buttons on the oven and are just fixated on getting to the oven and pushing every button you can.  Considering I don’t really know exactly how to work my new electrical oven yet, I can’t guarantee I am properly turning everything off each time.
You can stand by yourself  no problem!  I feel like it is only a matter of time before you take your first step.  I am just begging you, can you please wait until you are home so I can see it?  It would be devastating to miss it.
You will still eat anything and everything.  New favorites include watermelon and these wheat thin baked crackers your nana gave you.
You are always happy.  For how many hours (in a row) you cried the first few months of your life, you are now a really happy little guy.  Always smiling and laughing. 
You can now say mama, dada, emmy and baba.  Perfect!  I swear you are trying to say “bath” and “book” because everything we do both you make the sound b.
You are such a boy.  I could set you anywhere in the yard and you crawl right to the dirt.
Why must you bang on the fireplace screen constantly?  It has already fallen over on your head and knocked you down, pinning you under it yet you continue to keep doing it!
You think you are the coolest dude ever cruising the hood in your red car.  Just promise me that when you get older one day you won’t buy a red convertible because some people may get the wrong idea…
Don’t ask me why but one of your favorite places to hang out is in your sister’s closet!  You cruise in there and play with her doll house.  Weird.
You love your sister and so loves you soooo much.  I know the hugging and squeezing can be a little much sometimes but the biting, hitting and hair pulling has to stop.  I know you can’t yet say no or stop but soon enough you will be able to use words!
When I come to get you at the end of the day, you get so excited, crawl over to me with a big smile and then don’t want to leave my side the rest of the day.  Don’t ever stop doing that, I love it more than anything.  That moment is what keeps me going through the day, knowing that when I see you again you will be just as excited to see me as I am to see you.  Pretty soon you will be like your big sis and will tell me all about your day and your friends but no matter how old you are, I will always be counting down the minutes until I can pick you up.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


Now that we've been in our new house a whole month we thought it was about time to have a BBQ!  We invited all our friends and their kiddos and had a serious blast.  Adults ate and drank (still didn't put a dent in the food and drinks we bought) and kiddos played and played and played.  We are so lucky to have so may great friends!

Miles and Ryan started hanging out when they were weeks old. He is the only kid that I have met that makes Ryan look small!

A little fishing

Emmy and one of her bestest buddies Zoe

Ashlyn and Addison (the twins!) just chilling as always :)

Manning the grill and drinking beers. Lots of beers.  Josh had a bit of a rough day today...

Ryan followed Greyson around everywhere it was so cute!  Think they will be good buddies in the years to come.

Hence the no pants.

"Get your hands off my hot dog bun" - Sophia

This little guy just makes me smile all the time.

WWE in the backyard

Like a dog with his bones.

These kids went strong until almost 9pm! GOOD NIGHT!