Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Checking In

It has been a while since I have been able to post anything.  Well, we have been busy!  My sister was in town for 24 hours, Josh's parent's were in town for a 3 days to help with miscellaneous things around the new house and to pack AND we moved!  This past weekend was a little busy to save the least but we survived and are loving our new home.  I am posting just a few random pictures I had on my phone but I will post many more as soon as I am able.  We're leaving on Saturday for Chicago and then Cleveland so things are only going to get more hectic!\

Here are a few random pics from the last few weeks.  I have no idea why some of them are sideways.  Sorry!

Big Boy on the slide!

So flexible!

Ryan loves his sweet potatoes.  Since he is getting a few more teeth (he now has 6) he can't keep his fingers out of his mouth even while he is eatin!

A little last pic at our old house :(  Emmy helped me clean and found all the "treasures" on the ground that we left behind.

 Emmy dresses herself everyday.  As long as it is weather appropriate, I let her pick out whatever she wants.  If the worst she ever does is wear a crazy outfit, we are really lucky...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Weekend

We had a busy weekend this past weekend.  First off, we FINALLY got the keys to our house!  We’ve got a ton of work to do over the next few weeks so it was exciting to get started.  My parents came down this weekend to help out around the house and with the kids.  My Dad and Josh painted 14 hours a day. alongside the guy we also hired to paint.  Given the fact that every square inch of the house is purple we need all the help we can get!  My dad was the biggest trooper and huge help!  Not sure if he really knew what he signed up for!  We’ve been cleaning, painting, fixing things, taking trips to Home Depot.  You know new home owner kinda stuff :)

So I was lucky enough to spend Mother’s Day with my favorite kiddos and my mom.  It was really hot so we spent that afternoon in the pool.  Ryan of course loved it.  Was copying everything Emmy did.  It was a nice relaxing day of hanging around the houses (now that we technically live in two!), taking walks, etc.  I am the luckiest girl in the world to be a mom to Emmy and Ryan, I love them more than anything.

Our new house!

Taking a cruise, checking it all out.

My mom's gift to me, getting up with Ryan at 6am on Sunday.  Lucky for her, they took a nap together :)

My sweet little monkey.

Pool Time!!

Corn on a cob - like giving a dog a bone.

Ryan's new favorite thing to do, take a cruise around the hood in his car.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nice Little Sunday

Since this weekend was the last before we are 100% dedicated to painting, fixing up the house, moving, etc., we thought we'd do something fun as a family so on Sunday we went to the zoo!  Emmy walked the entire time and Ryan just chilled in the stroller, as usual.  He is actually really into animals, gets really excited (or nervous I can't tell) when he sees a dog.  So he was totally into the bear who was very active.  I took today off of work, just because.  Emmy and I had an afternoon together a few weeks ago so today I hung with Ryan.  It was raining so we stayed in our jammies all day, it was awesome!  I just keep wishing for that 4 day work week maybe it'll happen one day...

Emmy was all excited to see the zebras because we missed them the last time we went.

And boy did we see a lot of zebra.  Try explaining that to a four year old.

Bath Time!!!!

Had the best day ever just hanging with my little buddy, watching the rain.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

We bought a house!

I honestly never thought I'd be saying that as long as we were still living in San Diego.  We are very excited to say we bought our first home and get the keys this Thursday!  It is in the same neighborhood we live in now so close to work, school and the beach :) 

The past few months have been absolutely nuts.  Between the offer and bidding process to switching lenders mid-way and pulling financial documents for weeks, buying this house has been like my third full time job.  Buying a house and getting a loan is certainly NOT easy these days.  Let's just say that if you happen to be late making a car payment, be prepared to provide a detailed explanation as to why, in writing, 7 years from now.  Oh and if anyone happens to write you a check because they owed you money or because it was your birthday, also be prepared to explain why you received the check and from who and give the person who wrote you the check the heads up that the bank will come after them to!  Man, there were times I didn't think we would ever get approved but we did :)

We have exactly 2 weeks to paint the entire house, carpet, re-landscape, pack and move!  Yes, May is going to be NUTS! But very exciting. 

Many, many more pictures to come but below is a picture of our new home :)

Catching up

Things have been crazy, it has been hard to keep up on the blog! 

Ryan will never sit still on my lap but will hang on Josh's and watch sports center all morning.  Men!

I know Ryan is only 8 months old but the poor kids hair was growing over his ears and into a mullet at the back of his head.  So we took him and Emmy for a hair cut.  We cut off 5 inches from Emmy's hair and got Ryan a little trim.  He did great!  Although poor little guys got a pretty typical bow cut :(  Which on a chubby kid ends up looking like Jim Carey from dumb and dumber....

Handsome dude!

Afternoon tea :)

Water - keeps them occupied for hours.

Ryan is officially standing!  All the time!  He loves hanging out at the kitchen chewing all the plastic veggies.  His favorite is a fake piece of lunch meat turkey.

Get out of the fridge!

Emmy has been watching the movie the Lorax and the character in the movie wheres goggles when he goes on his moped.  So of course monkey had to where hers too!

 Sibling love.