My little Buddy Baroo is already 6 months old (tomorrow)! I am not afraid to admit that we had some rough times the first few months of his life, but he has made up for it by being the happiest baby ever. He made it through whatever was bugging him, and/or adjusted to the world, but now he just seems to be so content and happy all the time :) Now if he could just sleep through the night....
I just love spending every minute I can with him, he is so much fun right now! At 6 months Ryan:
- has his 2 bottom teeth
- Can sit up like a champ
- LOVES to pull Emmy and my hair
- Will eat anything - peas, carrots, prunes, etc. Our only challenge is keeping his bib out of his mouth
- Is a total snuggle bunny
- Is already attached to a blankie. It is so sweet, all I need to do it put in on my shoulder and he puts his thumb in his mouth. This time i was smart I bought 2 of them!
- Loves tummy time. Today for the first time, he started scooting backward. He probably made it a foot. He also rolled across the room!
- Goes nuts for magazines. He can grab a page and have it in his mouth in less than a second.
- Thinks Emmy is hilarious, no matter what she does. All she needs to do is walk in the room and he laughs.
- Is a little fish already! He loves the water! Tonight we put his little tub in the bath with Emmy and he went nuts. Splashing, laughing. It was pretty funny because it started to float, it was as if he was in a boat. He just kept looking at us smiling, despite the fact Emmy was dumping water on his head. Many pictures to come...
I have never been so happy, having such a happy, healthy (well besides the pink eye and chest colds we keep passing back and forth), fun family. I love them more than anything!
I gave birth to a monkey. Check out his feet! He can seriously hold toys with them.
Out little monster just hanging out while I cook dinner.
Loving hanging out with big sis.
Looks like someone else likes Barney too. Oh no...
A friend lent us a new tub so he could sit up.
He went crazy splashing, the whole kitchen was soaked!
So now it goes in the tub :)
My little buddy. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time....