Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beach Day!

Finally some sunshine and a warm day so we had to head down to the beach.  Emmy is such a beach bum, jumped into the water right away, rolled around in the sand, made new friends, etc.  She got knocked over pretty hard by a wave.  Josh grabbed her and I ran down to make sure she was okay.  She told me she hurt her pinky finger so I kissed it and she ran back.  FEARLESS.  We had so much fun, especially her, makes me so excited for the summer!  

Literally pulling Josh into the water.

 Josh taught Emmy how to throw a football and she can catch it too.  Baby brother is going to have some big shoes to fill!


My beautiful Girl

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Robins

Emmy moved up to the "Robins" a few months ago and could not be more proud to be such a big girl.  Last week was their open house and she had her first performance!  It was so cute.  The teachers sent home the lyrics to the song and words to the story a few weeks ago for them to practice.  She memorized it all!  We all brought food for them to eat and they had ice cream as a treat afterward.  I just love watching her with all her friends.  They are growing up so fast and you can see how friendships are formed so early, especially when they've know each other since birth!

Sort of hard to hear but I was able to catch her "big moment", holding up the goldfish during that part of "Brown Bear".

Monster Boogie song with their homemade masks.  She is in the yellow :)


She has her first dance recital with her buddies in June and I cannot wait!  Her dressed up in a tutu with all her friends is going to be so cute.  It is quite the production, dress rehearsals and all!  Stay tuned...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Trip to Remember - Part 2

I think the highlight of the trip for Emmy was the revolving doors. Personally, I hate them, especially trying to get a stroller through it, we almost got stuck more than once...

Sunday we went to the Shedd Aquarium.

How cool is the view from the restaurant patio from the aquarium?!

Emmy and I had an afternoon snack at Starbucks. Such a a big girl.

Pestering Marc again... He paid the price for feeding the kid so much candy and treats!

Family pic at the river!

Hands down the funniest part of the trip. We walked to Whole Foods to pick up dinner. We knew it may rain so had 2 umbrellas with us, one of which was Emmy's small princess umbrella. We stepped outside into a torrential rain pour! Marc ran with our paper bags which broke on the sidewalk in front of the hotel. Julie and I ran with Emmy in the stroller who was crying because she was soaked and it started to thunder and lightening. By the time we made it the 5 blocks back to the hotel we were soaked head to toe. We dried off, changed our clothes and then looked out the window. The rain already stopped. We were the only assholes that braved he 10 minute downpour.

Marc, Emmy and I took the train to Millennium Park. Marc is used to hopping on the subway so was very patient when Emmy insisted on walking down the stairs and then I literally got me, my belly and the stroller stuck getting through the ticketing turn thing (I can't remember what the hell those things are called!)

Such a cool park with awesome fountain structures and views. I don't think Marc ever expected to push a stroller around so much!

The bean!

Right before we got on the plane home, pestering Marc until the last minute.

Thank you brother and sister for being so patient with your pregnant sister and 3 year old niece for 5 days during one of the best trips ever. I am so lucky to have sibs who wanted to hang out with us as much as we wanted to with them. We certainly have many memories to think back and laugh at! Love you!

Trip to Remember - Part 1

I wanted to take one last trip before baby brother comes this summer, ideally to see either Marc or Julie. I killed two birds with one stone and convinced Marc to meet me in Chicago! Unfortunately, Josh had to work so it was a sibling only trip. One to remember.... :)

I was a little nervous to travel alone with Emmy while 5+ months pregnant but she was so good. Let's just say trying to fit into an airplane bathroom with a big belly and 3 year old was pretty comical! I was proud of myself for staying calm, relaxed and flexible the whole trip :) We had such a blast, it is sad it is all over. We all knew this would likely never happen again - a trip with just the 3 of us and Emmy. So of course I captured it with a million pictures.

I did learn one new major thing about my daughter during the trip. The kid is like the karate kid when she sleeps. She kicked and flopped around so violently I got a foot in the rib multiple times a night. I guess that explains why she is always in some strange position when I check on her in the middle of the night! I blame that sleeping habit on her dad :)

The buddies cruising around the city. I am not sure who gets who riled up Marc or Emmy.

Chicago deep dish pizza. Emmy was allowed to write on the wall!

It was late and a long day so Emmy and I took her first cab ride! We went about 8 blocks so I held her tight and told her this was the only time she could get into a car without her car seat...

This was my first time visiting Chicago and it is the coolest city! A beach in front of the city, so cool.

I dragged Marc to the Navy Pier, probably his worst nightmare. Emmy thought the mirrors were the funniest thing ever so we braved "the maze". I don't think Marc and I will ever forget almost getting lost in the mirror maze and loosing it on the spinning bridge. Oh memories... hahaha :)

The nature museum in Lincoln Park.

There was a butterfly sanctuary that was super cool. butterflies everywhere!

Every other parent was telling their kids not to touch after I was yelling at Emmy to catch one. Oops!

A free zoo at Lincoln Park! It reminded me of the Madagascar movie (even though I know it was based on the NY zoo) it was the first "city zoo" I'd been to.

Beautiful, colorful trees everywhere.

So cool to see the city behind he animals.

Pestering Marc....

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Pics

My Mom and Dad came down for a long Easter weekend. We had lots of fun and took advantage of the beautiful weather. Josh and my Dad golfed, Emmy hit up the park and Josh and I had a day date on Saturday! We went to our annual Easter Brunch Sunday morning and ate our weight in food!

Playing with Papa.

Emmy and Lucy reunited. Emmy absolutely loves Lucy she is her little buddy. She was so sad to see her leave at the end of the weekend and asked my mom if she could stay...

Easter Bunny came!

All grown up drinking her OJ from a tea cup. She sat for 2 hours during brunch! She also ate more candy and sugar than she ever has in her life that morning. She basically had jelly beans, chocolate eggs and jello for breakfast. She's never had more than a lolipop before...

We ran into a few of her little buddies from school - Gracie and Audrey. They were so cute showing each other their new dresses and shoes. 3 going on 13 for sure!

I think this is the 3rd year in a row we've taken this shot :)