Wednesday, March 21, 2012

20 Weeks

Time is flying, I am already 20 weeks! Half way to go, crazy. I have been lucky once again, pregnancy is going well. I have had a lot of energy, am still getting exercise and going to yoga when I can. Besides the heart burn and carpel tunnel in my wrist, I’ve been feeling pretty good. I have a few complaints, if I may, with baby #2:

I have to leave the house 5 days a week at 7:45a (although I am usually late) and have to dress up. Rolling into the office at 8:45a in jeans, t-shirts and flip flops like I did at my old job just doesn’t fly anymore. Putting on dress pants when you are pregnant just plain sucks

- Someone in my office microwaves egg burritos every morning so the entire office smells like rotten eggs for about 30 minutes. Those are the roughest 30 minutes of every day. There should be some sort of office rule about what type of food you are allowed to eat in public.

Now something to really complain about. I have had the worst jaw pain, TMJ. I have figured out a way to eat that is less painful by basically eating with my jaw completely out of alignment. Other than ice, heat and eating soft foods, there isn't much you can do. Really limiting what a pregnant woman can eat, that is just mean!

All complaints aside, the best thing so far is baby #2 is healthy and on-track with size. We have had no false positive genetic test scares, no amnio, no threatening of best rest, concerns about size of the baby, etc. Baby boy #2 is looking great! Below is a picture to prove it. Although, every time we mention “baby brother” to Emmy her response is “Baby sister. I said I want a baby sister”. She’ll come around sooner or later :)

Baby Brother

Me at 20 weeks. Whoa. I feel really big already so looked back at a picture of when I was pregnant with Emmy.

Me at 25 weeks with Emmy. Still so tiny! Maybe that means I will be early this time instead of 2 weeks late??

Why it is so hard to leave in the morning....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Winter Weekend

This weekend was cold, rainy and windy, the perfect weekend to hang inside and be lazy. I came home Friday from work feeling terrible - fever, chills, headache, and plain exhausted. I went to bed at 5p and pretty much slept until the next day at noon. I think all I may have needed was a whole lot of sleep!

Josh took Emmy to her first swim lesson on Saturday. They had her jumping in by herself the first day! I confirmed he actually told them this was her first lesson. Apparently, they don't let parents take pictures, which sucks, but Josh snuck one in before he was caught.

Today we baked banana bread, made soup and cooked chickens. Did probably 5 load of laundry and tried to keep Emmy out of trouble. So our lazy weekends are never really lazy.... Poor Josh couldn't even watch the basketball games without her literally hanging on him. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beautiful Weekend

My parents came down this past weekend to hang, eat, drink and play. We hit up Balboa Park on Saturday and all re-lived or childhoods by riding the train, carousel, etc. We had a blast.

Buddies reunited.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Doesn't everyone wear black velvet party dresses from 2 Christmases ago to Home Depot? We made a family trip to Home Depot this morning. This afternoon we planted sunflower seeds, carrot seeds, and bean seeds and some herbs. Let's see if they actually grow!`

Last night we met Josh downtown after he had a work event for dinner. We went to a fancy Italian restaurant where one of our old friends work. 2 1/2 hours later, at 8:30p we were finally heading home. Watching Emmy cruise down 5th Avenue in the Gaslamp on a Friday night was pretty funny, she sure got a lot of attention. I cannot believe how good she was a dinner, even I was getting antsy! We took one break to walk across the street to Urban Outfitters (mostly because I wanted to) but otherwise she sat the entire 2 1/2 hours. She ate practically an entire loaf of bread and a bowl of pasta so loaded up on her carbs for the week :)