Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4 months

I forgot to provide an update on Emmy's 4 month appointment!  She was a very brave girl during all of her shots last week.  She weighed in at 14 lbs 8oz and is 25 1/4 inches!  She is a growing girl that is for sure!  The doctor even gave us to a-okay to start introducing food to her so we'll probably start with the rice cereal in the upcoming weeks.

It seems like she is growing up so fast.  She is super chatty and loves to play.  She is very curious and wants to put everything in her mouth!  Here is a cute video of her playing in the good old play gym :)

Just hanging out on our bed...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great Weekend

We had a great weekend, I really don't want it to end.  We finally had some great weather and we were able to enjoy it.  Saturday Emmy and I got all dressed up to go to Anna's baby shower.  She was such a good little girl the whole afternoon.  She only fussed a little at the end when she was absolutely exhausted and then just fell asleep on my shoulder :)

Today we went to the beach for the first time!  I think we spent more time gathering our things and packing the car than we actually spent at the beach, but it was still fun :)  She could not have looked cuter in her little swim suit and hat.  Definitely more days at the beach to come....

All dressed up in our party dresses!

Watering the plants with Daddy

First day at the beach!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day at the park

I took Emery to the park for the first time yesterday with my friend Anne and her son Finn.  It was so fun to put her in the swing, she looked so cute!

What a big girl!

Checking out Finn...

Monday, June 22, 2009

She rolled over!

Josh and I were lucky enough to watch Emery roll over for the first time today!  She was hanging on her tummy (without the harness on of course) and we could see her trying to get over by cranking her neck as far as she could to the side.  We ran for the camera and I was able to get a shot right before she turned but missed the actual event.  It was pretty damn cute :)

It was crappy on Saturday so we took Emmy for a trip to Toysrus.  I think I had the most fun, we bought her a few new toys.  Josh put a stuffed penguin in her stroller and she kept giggling so we bought it.  We call him "Petey" (not sure why we give all her toys boy names, but we do!)  Josh was "sick" today and stayed home to have a daddy day.  He dressed her up and took her out on the town!  Here are a few pics with Petey...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

Emery's gift to her Daddy on his first Fathers Day was to let him sleep in!  I woke up to feed her around 6:30a and then she fell asleep again around 8a and then slept until 10:30!!  I was able to crawl back into bed a get some much needed rest as well, it was wonderful :)  Our gift to her was letting her out of her harness almost all day.  We had a great day.  It was FINALLY sunny so we headed down to the beach for a long walk and Josh got to watch the US Open all afternoon. 

Watching golf with Dad

Story time

Look at those legs!

I could barely get the strap done up under her chin!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I knew if I wanted to continue to breast feed when I went back to work it would take some commitment and today that sure was the case.   I had to go to a day conference in San Diego for work today.  Fortunately, I was able to go a little late so I could pump at work this morning but needed to figure out something for this afternoon.  Eight AA batteries later, I found myself in the back seat of my car pumping in the parking lot!  Now that is what I call commitment!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I have been playing around with my camera all weekend and took so many pictures.  Poor Emmy had a camera in her face all weekend, Josh called me the paparazzi!  Here are a few....

Surfer Baby

One of Daddy's proudest moments :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rolling Over

Every time I put Emery on the floor I am convinced she is going to roll over but hasn't yet.  Unfortunately, the harness is going to delay it even more but we still give her some time on the floor without it so we'll see.  Below is a little video I took of her trying to kick her leg over while on her tummy (I also tried to give her a little nudge:).  When she is on her back she digs her legs in the ground, arches her back and swings her arms.  It is so cute!   She arches her back so much I swear she is bound to roll over soon!

Digging her heals in

A few more cute pics in her Bumbo :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Future Ballerina

Those of you who took ballet lessons when you were growing up will recognize the black leotard and pink tights.  I wish she was getting ready to dance not getting ready for the harness!

Big girl LOVES to sit up now :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Best seat ever

We tried out the bumbo seat this weekend, that thing is the best!  Her head is still a little unstable so we have to sit right next to her but you could tell she was so proud to be sitting up.  She looked so damn cute in it I took a bunch of pictures.  She looks like such a big girl, she is growing up too fast already!

This harness sucks

Emery and I had a girls day today while Josh went golfing. We went to the mall and then for a long walk around the bay.  She screamed when I tried to put her in the car seat with the harness so I left it off, it really doesn't fit in the car seat.  It was a great day until I had to put the harness back on.  They poor thing was screaming in frustration and it took all my energy to distract her the rest of the day until she was tired enough to go to sleep.  The thing looks so uncomfortable it is horrible.  The strap across her chest looks like it is always cutting into her and the straps across her arms are velcro so you can imagine how rough they must be.  Don't even get me started about the straps on her legs.  The poor thing.  There is no way she can wear it 23 hours a day.  I am hoping they tell you that because they know most people will probably last 15.  I don't know how we are going to do this for 3-6 months.  She is not the same happy baby with this thing on.  There is no way I can take her to daycare in this thing.  Hopefully it will get easier.....

I didn't want her to be cold and we happen to have one sleep sack that zips up the side.  Her poor right leg is going to be cold but at least the rest will be warm!  I told her we'd all laugh together about this one day :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chatty Cathy

Emery must be getting more comfortable at daycare because apparently last week she was quite chatty.  She is very vocal at home but has been pretty shy at daycare until now...  Can you imagine the teacher's reaction when this sweet quiet baby girl opened her mouth and this is what she had to say?  When she speaks she definitely wants to be heard  :)

Hip Harness

Today I put Emery in the hip harness for the first time.  I have to say the thing looks so damn uncomfortable.  It isn't even the part that holds her legs up and open, it is the straps that go over her arms and across her chest that look the most irritating.  I put her in it before a nap and she did pretty good and actually slept.  I think we are going to start her in it at night only.  She is just now starting to put weight on her legs, really kick and looks as though she is about to roll over!  I don't want to take that away from her by restricting her so much.  Plus, I cannot imagine sending her to daycare in the thing.  I did find some killer leg warmers for her to wear under it :)

A few pics:

What did you put me in mom?!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We went to another Orthopedic doctor yesterday for a second opinion on Emery's hips.  I felt more comfortable with this doctor because the office was much less hectic and she spent 45 minutes explaining to us in great detail exactly what each ultrasound and x-ray results meant.  She explained that it is very possible for a technician to take a bad ultrasound and/or x-ray that can make results look off and showed us how slightly off Emery's hip sockets are so we were both thinking she was going to say the harness wasn't necessary.  NOPE.  She recommended it as well so we got the damn thing.  I guess this is just the first of many, many decisions we will need to make as parents.  While getting her fit for the harness we find out there are 2 different brands and each doctor we went to recommends a different one.  We come to find out that the first doctor group we went to owns one of the harness companies!  Hmmm wonder why they recommended it?  Anyway, we are going to see how it goes and try to make sure she wears it at night, during naps and hopefully times throughout the day when she is laying on the floor playing.  We are not going to be too concerned about having her in it 24 hours a day.  I don't want her to be uncomfortable on walks, in the car, while she is nursing and especially at daycare.

On a brighter note, Josh got me the best b-day gift ever, a new camera!  Not just any camera the Nikon D40.  It is awesome!  I am still figuring out how to use it and need to spend some time learning all of the things it can do.  Hopefully I'll figure it out soon so I can start putting the great pics on the blog :)  Pictures to come, I promise....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Glass of Wine

Well, we made it through another Monday and boy was it hectic!  The day started at 6a when I got up to shower, feed both Emery and I and get us both ready for the day.  I dropped her off at daycare at 8:15 (with tears in my eyes again) and headed to work.  After a long day of work I came home to my hubby and beautiful baby girl and we took a walk.  Then Josh and I cooked dinner, he cuts the veggies and meat, I cooked it and he did the dishes.  Pretty good deal huh?  I call him my sous chef :)  After bathing Emery, doing a load of laundry, making lunches for tomorrow, packing Emery's bag for tomorrow, washing all my pump paraphernalia  and putting Emery to bed, we finally sat down with a glass of wine at 9:30p and boy does it taste good.  All I can say is I couldn't do it all without Josh, I am so lucky to have such a wonderful hubby :)