We went to another Orthopedic doctor yesterday for a second opinion on Emery's hips. I felt more comfortable with this doctor because the office was much less hectic and she spent 45 minutes explaining to us in great detail exactly what each ultrasound and x-ray results meant. She explained that it is very possible for a technician to take a bad ultrasound and/or x-ray that can make results look off and showed us how slightly off Emery's hip sockets are so we were both thinking she was going to say the harness wasn't necessary. NOPE. She recommended it as well so we got the damn thing. I guess this is just the first of many, many decisions we will need to make as parents. While getting her fit for the harness we find out there are 2 different brands and each doctor we went to recommends a different one. We come to find out that the first doctor group we went to owns one of the harness companies! Hmmm wonder why they recommended it? Anyway, we are going to see how it goes and try to make sure she wears it at night, during naps and hopefully times throughout the day when she is laying on the floor playing. We are not going to be too concerned about having her in it 24 hours a day. I don't want her to be uncomfortable on walks, in the car, while she is nursing and especially at daycare.
On a brighter note, Josh got me the best b-day gift ever, a new camera! Not just any camera the Nikon D40. It is awesome! I am still figuring out how to use it and need to spend some time learning all of the things it can do. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon so I can start putting the great pics on the blog :) Pictures to come, I promise....